Sunday, December 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanks

I accepted a challenge: post a status of "thanks" for one thing in my life every day for the entire month of November. (In case you haven't noticed from the lack of blogging between January 2011 and today, I tend to slack on long-term writing commitments.) But, 'tis the season for miracles, and....I DID IT! Just never mind the fact that Days 28-30 were posted December 2nd.

Day 1
I'm thankful for my awesome Bully Busters crew who participated in the 3K Unite Against Bullying and won the prize for most team members! Shout outs to Cara, Chrissy, Colleen, Kerry, MaDonna, and Tamaron who were great sports and donned fairy wings!

Day 2
I'm so grateful for the students who take the time to say "thank you", give you a hug, or let you know you made a difference in some way. It always comes out of the blue, and it's always the best appreciation there is!

Day 3
I'm thankful for author Ralph Fletcher's Writing with Purpose conference, which required me to revisit a happy memory:

Sometimes I remember
the good old days.

Loading up the red Escort
with the yellow donut, Coppertone, and the cooler,

driving to Sandy Beach

and lugging our gear to the shore.

My hair in a bun,
Mom slathered on the sunscreen.

Making sand castles, floating in the lake,
and buying snacks at the shack.

I still can't imagine
anything better than that.

Day 4
So grateful for phenomenal music!! It speaks to the soul!

Day 5

I'm thankful for my dad, whose birthday is today. Despite incredible odds, he's done very well for himself and done the best he could for me.

Day 6
I am thankful I have the right to vote, among a multitude of privileges not bestowed upon women in other countries.

Day 7
Today, I'm grateful for much-needed drinks & laughter with a good friend.

Day 8
I'm so lucky to have a man in my life who asks questions like, "How could I have better said that?" Seriously appreciate the time and effort he puts into communicating with me and teaching me to be a better person as well! #endgush

Day 9
I'm thankful I'll get to experience some true fall weather tonight and tomorrow...right here in Chandler! Finally!!

Day 10
I'm grateful for the survivors of the Holocaust who continue to share their stories with the world in an effort to teach love, respect, and tolerance. I was fortunate to hear Oskar Knoblauch's story today.

Day 11
I'm thankful for all the men and women veterans--past, present, and future!

Day 13
I'm so thankful for this temperamental-ball-of-fur. Boo Radley has lived in NINE different homes with me, endured a cross-country road trip, and put up with my erratic schedule for the last 11 years. He's my baby, my Boo-Bear, my Moo-Goo, my Booregard, my Boojangles, my Boozer, my Boogles, my Boo. ♥

Day 14
I'm thankful my principal dropped off a Dr Pepper for me "just because" today! On days when it's hard to find a reason to be a teacher when we're facing extreme budget cuts, it's good to remember that I'm fortunate enough to have great administrators.

Day 15
I'm thankful for the genuine kindnesses of others: a cookout lunch, a movie ticket to Breaking Dawn, paid conference fees, unnecessary notes of gratitude ...

Day 16
I'm so grateful for B O O K S!!

Day 17
I am thankful for lazy, lazy days.

Day 18
I'm thankful for my sister, Sarah, and her witty (aka biting) sense of humor.
Me: "Find out what Mom wants for Christmas."
Sarah: "She said slippers."
Me: "That's lame. P.S. I already bought her slippers."
Sarah: "P.S. Apparently she doesn't like them."

Day 19
Every day, but especially today, I'm thankful for Randle. A year ago today he took me out on our first date. My life is infinitely better with him in it!

Day 20
I'm grateful for the knowledge I gained today. 1) Becky has the world's best apple pie recipe. 2) Apple seeds contain cyanide, so, you shouldn't eat them...anymore... 3) If you hit Becky with flour, she'll hit you back worse. :)

Days 21-25
I'm thankful for long weekends to rejuvenate the soul; the welcoming by others to partake in their Thanksgiving traditions; restaurants that continue to provide a nostalgic dining experience, when "going out to dinner" was an event, not a five-minute drive-through; movies--fantastic, fabulous films; and my first hot air balloon ride (even though our captain wasn't the Wizard of Oz, the movie is now on TV, and that can't be a coincidence!!).

Day 26
I'm grateful for the hilarious moments in class...
Me: "Students, in what situations might you use low-key lighting?"
Student: "In a whore house."
Me: "Uh, you mean HORROR house."
Student: "Yup--a whore house."
Me: "Okay, let's work on pronunciation..."

Day 27
I'm grateful for toddlers. Yup, those miniature people who have their own baby-babble, chubby cheeks, and temper-tantrums. There's nothing like listening to a kiddo try out new words and giggle like silly. Thanks for making my day, Emma Lou!

Days 28, 29 & 30
I'm thankful for my brother Daniel. He is one of the funniest people I know and I can't imagine life without my baby bro.
I'm grateful for my students. They allow me to experience being a pseudo-parent every day.
I'm thankful for moments of pure happiness that bring tears to your eyes. Of all the gifts we can receive this time of year, genuine happiness is chief among them.

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