Friday, July 19, 2013

Favorite Shortems

The Rose that Grew from Concrete 

by Tupac Shakur

Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk without having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no on else ever cared.

A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

(untitled) by Frederick Peterson

The sweetest flower that blows,
I give you as we part.
For you it is a rose,
For me it is my heart.

You're Gone (author unknown)

How do I feel,
people ask.

How do I feel?

That's the problem.

I don't.

(untitled) by Ric Masten

put me in your human eye
come taste
the bitter tears
that i cry
touch me
with your human hand
hear me with your ear
but notice me
damn you
notice me
i'm here.

(untitled) by Javan

If you can just turn
and walk away
And feel there's nothing more
You need to say
And you do not feel a tearing
In your heart
If you can so easily
forget about me
And all the things
I tried to be
Then I guess there was really no
reason for you to stay

(untitled) by Langston Hughes

I loved my friend.

He went away from me.

There's nothing more to say.

The poem ends, 
soft as it began--

I loved my friend.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This Week (So Far) in Five

This has been a very emotional week so far, and it doesn't appear as if it'll let-up anytime soon. "My Day in Five" is supposed to be just a list of words or short phrases describing one's day, but more words are needed here. 

  1. My sister's boyfriend, Blake, is facing a significant challenge in his fight with cancer. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in January 2012 and has dealt with numerous surgeries, chemo, and radiation treatments. He frequently travels from Illinois to Houston, Texas, for his doctor appointments and treatments. His checkup in Houston on Monday did not give him the hopeful and positive news we all wanted to hear. Please say a prayer for him. Think positive thoughts. Share your good, healing energy. To support Blake's fight financially, you can purchase a survival strap or key fob online: Team Blake.
  2. Also learned on Monday that Allie, my childhood babysitter's husband, passed away. I've known him since I was a very little girl and he was like another grandpa to me. He and his wife, Stella, were a wonderful couple. I feel terrible that she has lost the love of her life.
  3. My brother, Dan, left today. It's quiet. And nothing seems funny anymore. I miss him...
  4. My sister, Sarah, left today. I worry about her. I admire her. I wish I could hug her...
  5. Grandpa's 90th birthday is today. Wish I could've seen him open his gifts (Cubs socks, T-shirt, and book, Calico Joe).


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Must-See Concerts

I love concerts. Really. The loud music vibrating through to your's awesome. When I was a kid and  looked at footage of Beatles' concerts, I always wondered why the girls were crying. So silly and dramatic... But I get it now. Being at a concert just makes me feel everything on a grander scale; I feel so...alive! I'm looking forward to seeing these shows. And people--I need concert friends! Where are you?!

Outside Lands Festival ~ August 9-11

My first trip to San Francisco! So many amazing bands to see over the 3-day weekend: The National, Band of Horses, Daughter, NIN, The Head and the Heart, Matt & Kim, and Little Green Cars.
Update: Awesome-sauce! NIN gave one of the best concerts of the weekend (visually). THATH & LGC were my favorites though (emotionally-driven music). 

Neko Case ~ September 12

Tickets are $36 max. Good deal for such a cool artist. She's playing at the Orpheum with Pickwick & Jon Rauhouse.
Update: I couldn't make this show. :( Wanted to, but my two-week absence the preceding weeks didn't allow me the time or money. Instead, I saw Johnny Cupcakes at South Mountain Community College--for free after winning VIP tickets. JC was inspiring. Not so impressed with SMCC. You'd think with VIP tickets they'd at least be sure we got to shake the man's hand and move us to the front of the line for autographs. There were only 25 of us for Pete's sake!

OneRepublic ~ September 15

I'm loving the majority of their new album, Native. Tickets max-out at $60 and they're playing with Churchill and Sara Bareilles at Comerica.
Update: Uuuuuuuugh. REALLY wanted to see this band. LOVE their new album Native. Again, my two-week absence earlier this month required that I spend a weekend at home grading, and also guaranteed that I had no money outside of everyday living expenses. Sucks.

The Lumineers ~ October 1

Also playing at Comerica. Opening acts aren't any I know (Dr. Dog? Nathaniel Rateliff?) and tickets are about $50, but I missed The Lumineers when they were here last year.

The Avett Brothers ~ October 5

$35 for this concert at Mesa Amp. Love the song "I and Love and You".

City and Colour ~ October 11

My friend Erin introduced me to this band after we saw The Boxer Rebellion. New album, The Hurry and the Harm, is good stuff. Tickets are $30.

The Mowgli's ~ October 15

This band is my new favorite thing! I love every song on Waiting for the Dawn. Tickets are only $20 and it's at the Rialto in Tucson. Road trip!

Pearl Jam ~ November 19

I was supposed to see Pearl Jam this month 18 years ago...boy broke my heart and sold my ticket. I tried to win tickets to the July 19th show at Wrigley Field (!!!)...didn't happen. This show? GOING.
Update: Tickets purchased! Can't wait to see Eddie (*swoon* *I hope his hair grows out again by November*) and company with Becky and Jorge.

Monday, July 1, 2013


I've accomplished a lot of "firsts" lately. Here's a list of my "first times" in the last five-ish months.

Pineapple Ukulele
  • Made a batch of egg salad. Mmmm...tasty.
  • Kayaked! I went by myself (well, just me and the tour guide) while vacationing on Coronado Island and I loved it. The tour guide said I was a "natural"... I bet you say that to all the girls...
  • Bought a ukulele. No joke. Spent about $70 (so this isn't one you find in the toy aisle). My students, Audrey and Ana, were totally jazzed that I finally had one, so every Friday during AP we had a jam session. (Jam session = teach Ms. S how to play chords) Still reading Ukulele for Dummies. 
  • Dined at Postino's with good friends Emily and Erin. Oh. Yum.
  • Met new a new friend through a support group.
  • Rented a beach cruiser for two days while staying on Coronado Island. I loved riding my bike everywhere! Nicknamed the basket full of my beach goods "Toto".

Beach Cruisers
  • Drove a moped. My sister and brother both have one...and now I want one too!
  • Regularly go to the myself. This can be good, especially if you're feeling like you want to be around people, but you don't necessarily want to talk to them and, in fact, prefer an atmosphere where talking is frowned upon. It also sucks if you want to discuss the movie with someone, because strangers think you're weird if you try to have a 20-minute conversation with them trying to dissect the symbolism.
  • Buying flowers--for me! "So, you plant your own garden / and decorate your own soul, / Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers." V A Shoffstall  
    Flowers for ME!